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If you have been unable to lose weight, even with diet and exercise, in the past, one or more of the following hormonal imbalances could be the culprit.

Without enough THYROID hormone, every system in the body slows down. Those who suffer from hypothyroidism feel tired, tend to sleep a lot, experience constipation, and typically experience weight gain.

Insulin is an essential substance whose main function is to process sugar in the bloodstream and carry it into cells to be used as fuel or stored as fat. There are several reasons for excess insulin, but the main culprits are stress, consuming too much nutrient-poor carbohydrate (the type found in processed foods, sugary drinks and sodas, packaged low-fat foods, and artificial sweeteners), insufficient protein intake, inadequate fat intake, and deficient fiber consumption.

Serotonin exerts a powerful influence over mood, emotions, memory, cravings (especially for carbohydrates), self-esteem, pain tolerance, sleep habits, appetite, digestion, and body temperature regulation. When we're feeling down or depressed, we naturally crave more sugars and starches to stimulate the production of serotonin.

Under situations of chronic stress—whether the stress is physical, emotional, mental, environmental, real, or imagined—our bodies release high amounts of the hormone cortisol. If you suffer from a mood disorder such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or exhaustion, or if you have a digestive issue such as irritable bowel syndrome, you can bet your body is cranking up your cortisol. 

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