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Everything You Need To Know About Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosingspondylitis has the tendency to cause inflammation of the spine and SACROILIAC JOINT, which is a type of arthritis that produces pain and stiffness all the way from the neck down to the lower back.

And over time, the vertebrae, which is the joints and bones, may grow together and not have movement and lose the ability to bend. This also could affect the hips, knees and shoulders as well.

If diagnosed early on, it could control the pain symptoms, stiffness and minimize or prevent deformity.

It is also been categorized as a systemic and rheumatic disease that can affect the tissues throughout the entire body, which can move inflammation to other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, lungs and eyes.

The Following Are The Most Common Early Symptoms:

Constant or chronic pain and feeling very stiff in the buttocks, hips and lower back region, which could go on for more than 3 months. It can become worse during inactive times, but improve with flexibility or exercise.

The back pain could occur more during the night or early am hours along with feeling stiff in the morning.

Tendonitis may affect stiffness and pain toward the Achilles tendon, which is at the back of the ankle or experience it under the heel. There could also be some pain around the ligaments as well.

It can impair one’s ability to do routine tasks, which occurs through an overgrowth of the bones, which is called “Bony fusion” and can lead to an irregular joining of the bones and in some cases, it can restrict flexibility of the chest and make is harder to breathe.

May show signs of fatigue, loss of appetite, fever or even eye inflammation, but it is rare for lung and heart problems to occur.

Some may experience chronic inflammation throughout the spine which can develop a complete bony fusion and once it is fused, the pain will subside but the person will have a complete loss of flexibility in the spine. The fused spines are vulnerable to fractures when involved in a car accident through experiencing trauma affects and most common in the lower neck. A bone breakage could show early signs from a sudden burst of pain and movement in the spinal region.

There could be signs of inflammation in the lungs that leads to coughing and hard to breathe, especially with infections and exercises

The following are several symptoms that you should be aware of if you are experiencing any pain in the lower region of your back:

Throbbing or severe pain

Sluggish ache


Muscle cramp

Prickling sensation

Discomfort from flexibility of the spine

Sciatic along with severe pain throughout one or both lower extremities

Lack of control of continence of the bowel or bladder

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